
The exhibition area offers an interesting mix of over a dozen health, Lions supported projects and Lion orientated commercial displays, including:

And a tombola!

You don't have to be a commercial organisation to participate, we welcome displays from any Lions Clubs or Club Members who have a topic they are passionate about and wish to share with others.

We can be flexible with when you exhibit, what you exhibit and how you exhibit... just drop us an email and let us know what you are thinking about!

There is no charge for those directly connected to the Lions organisation and a small administration fee of £25.00 for commercial concerns and £15.00 for charity organisations.

If you are interested in promoting to the Lions, please use the Contact Us form and we will be pleased to give you full details of sponsorship opportunities and stand space.

Alternatively, to request exhibition space complete this booking form:

Icon Convention_exhibition_booking_form_2019.docx